Influence of cross-training program to employee retention in selected Restaurants in Cabanatuan City Nueva Ecija

Jamella Carrasco Clanes *

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Wesleyan University - Philippines, Nueva Ecija, Philippines.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(03), 1191–1198
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.3.2658
Publication history: 
Received on 27 July 2024; revised on 06 September 2024; accepted on 08 September 2024
Restaurants are constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency and productivity of their operations. One effective strategy is to implement a cross-training program among employees. By training staff for different tasks in the restaurant, it always ensures coverage and flexibility in case of unexpected absences or busy times. This study emphasized how Cross-Training programs affect the employees’ retention. Among one hundred twenty-five (125) employees of selected Restaurants in Cabanatuan City. This research through quantitative descriptive correlational analysis technique was able to analyze the influence of cross-training program and employees’ retention. Researcher were able to see what the cross-training program relationship is all about in the retention of staff. The Result of the study shows a significant relationship between Cross-training program and its effect to the growth and retention of employees. The organization should regularly engage in programs like Cross-training since it benefits the employees themselves by providing them with valuable skills and experience that can enhance their career growth within the restaurant industry. It allows them to gain a better understanding of different aspects of the business, leading to improved teamwork and communication among staff members.
Business; Cross-training program; Employees; Influence; Retention
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