Secure at all cost: An assessment of the competencies of southern police district task group diplomatic

Dennis Gade Dela Peña *

Student Affairs and Services Department, College of Criminology, Philippine College of Criminology, Manila, Philippines.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 1048–1059
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.3.3757
Publication history: 
Received on 29 October 2024; revised on 11 December 2024; accepted on 12 December 2024
The study assessed the competency levels of the Southern Police District Task Group Diplomatic across embassies, residences, and schools, in terms of; knowledge of work, training, physical and mental capabilities, and work etiquette. This is important to address the gaps in implementing protective security for the diplomatic corps, Embassy, and residence of diplomats in the Philippines. Using the descriptive method, data was gathered using an online survey questionnaire among one hundred fifty (150) personnel. The result indicates that embassy personnel demonstrated higher competency levels compared to those stationed at residences and schools. It was further discovered the significant differences in the competency assessments of the three groups of respondents—embassies, residences, and schools. These differences highlight that each group faces distinct challenges. The frequency of problems encountered varied across the key areas related to inadequate knowledge of work and ineffective training, Problems with physical and mental capabilities were also noted, Work etiquette was less frequent. Significant differences were observed in the frequency of problems encountered by the three respondent groups, indicating that each group faces unique operational challenges. Based on the study findings, a set of targeted policy recommendations has been proposed to bolster the competency of the Southern Police District Task Group Diplomatic. The study contributes to identifying their strengths and areas for improvement, enabling them to enhance their competencies in providing security and diplomatic protection within their Jurisdiction.
Assessment; Competencies; Descriptive Method; Policy Recommendation; Task Group Diplomatic.
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