Uncovering Ancient Mysteries: The Megalithic Cist-Burials of Enadimangalam

R Harinarayanan *

Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of History, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 565–570
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.3084
Publication history: 
Received on 27 August 2024; revised on 04 October 2024; accepted on 06 October 2024
Megalithism is the practice of huge stones associated with burial practices. An interdisciplinary approach is needed in collaboration with History and Archaeology to study Megaliths. This article is a brief report of the exploration conducted at Enadimangalam Grama Panchayath in Adoor Taluk, Pathanamthitta District, Kerala, during the field season 2018. The research's primary objective was to systematically explore the unreported megalithic sites in Enadimangalam and report them. The researcher discovered nine sites in the systematic ward-to-ward survey, and explorations carried out at Enadimangalam Grama Panchayath in 2018. These sites were reported to the authorities. This article elaborates on a detailed description of the reported sites. This study shows that the Enadimangalam area has a predominant Megalithic background and is assumed to be one of the largest sites so far discovered. It is observed that the area is very vast and bounded by hills and valleys that comprise more than a thousand acres of land. This indicates that the Megalithic monuments are widely distributed in this area and shows the enormity of the settlement.
Megalithism; Exploration; Orthostats; Carbon dating; Burials; Monuments
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