Optimizing treasury management in a high-inflation environment: A strategic framework for U.S. Financial Institutions

Boris A Koffi 1, * and Jodian Campbell 2

1 Georgia State University, Atlanta Georgia, USA.
2 Mercer University, Macon Georgia, USA.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 160–168
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.2993
Publication history: 
Received on 20 August 2024; revised on 28 September 2024; accepted on 30 September 2024
There has been a considerable innovative rise in the United States' financial institutions achievable through numerous implementations including treasury management optimization irrespective of the high inflation rate. Treasury management tends to be an important technique viable in managing risks in this world of increasing cyberattacks on financial institutions. To effectively counter this threat, financial institutions must implement a comprehensive risk management technique, among which is the Repo risk management technique. This article, through an extensive literature review, aims to analyze possible means of improving risk management in US financial institutions during high inflation through treasury management optimization strategies. The roles of treasury management were effectively analyzed, and the effects of high inflation in optimizing cash flows through liquidity risk management.
Treasury management; Inflation; Liquidity risk; Cash flow optimization; Economic stability
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