Review on pattachitra

Vedha S *, Swetha S, K. M. Pachiyappan, R. Divya Sathyam and Sharmila M

Department of Costume Design and Fashion, PSG Collage of Arts and Science, coimbatore.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 686–692
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.3047
Publication history: 
Received on 25 August 2024; revised on 02 October 2024; accepted on 05 October 2024
Kalamkari is a highly esteemed traditional art form that has long drawn admirers due to its intricate hand-painted designs on fabrics. This article explores the complex world of Kalamkari, a classic Indian art form that is well-known for its intricately painted textile pieces. Through a multifaceted investigation, the study seeks to understand Kalamkari's historical development, cultural value, and current relevance. The process includes a comprehensive reading of the material, a field investigation, a visual analysis of the artwork, and a comparison analysis between different locations and eras of history. While the field study entails interacting with artists and documenting their methods and processes, the literature review offers insights into the history, methods, and sociocultural aspects of Kalamkari. Visual analysis examines the narrative components, colours, and motifs in Kalamkari textiles to shed light on their artistic and symbolic meanings.
Kalamkari; Indian Textile Art; Hand-Painted; Cultural Heritage; Traditional
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