Highly Indexed: World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews

Indexed journal

Indexation of a journal is considered a reflection of its quality. Indexed journals are considered to be of higher scientific quality as compared to non-indexed journals. Over the years, many other popular indexation services have developed. These include Google, Crossref, SCILIT, Bibsonomy, BASE, CAS-Americal Chemical Society, MedLine, PubMed, OpenAIRE, Directory of Journal Indexing (DRJI), Index Copernicus, Science gate, SCOPUS, Cite Factor, DOAJ etc.

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is Highly Indexed Journal

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews which is International Journal with High Impact factor 7.8 is also a Multidisciplinary journal that publishes manuscripts, original research articles and review articles, mini-reviews, short communication and Case reports in the different areas of Biology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Health Sciences, Agriculture, Veterinary, Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology Research. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is abstracted and indexed in various International and National databases such as Google, Crossref, SCILIT, Bibsonomy, BASE, CAS-Americal Chemical Society, OpenAIRE, Directory of Journal Indexing (DRJI), Index Copernicus, Science gate, Cite Factor etc.


  Cross ref Indexed Journal Journal with valid ISSN 2581-9615
Index Copernicus Indexed Journal CAS Source Index database Indexed Journal Crossref mark to each article

Lifetime Preservation at LOCKSS through PKPPN

Articles deposited at Bibsonomy

Journal Articles Indexed at OpenAIRE

SCILIT Indexed Journal Indexed at Worldcat database free DOI assigned to articles
Journal Indexed at DRJI Journal Indexed at Cite factor ROAD Indexed Journal
Science gate indexed Journal BASE indexed Articles indexed to Microsoft academics
bepress indexed articles    


Google Search

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is Google Search Indexed Journal. Metadata of all Articles published is submiteed immediately to Google Search. Almost all articles appear on Google Search within a week after online publication of articles. Few articles may take 2-3 weeks to get appeared on Google search.


World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is Crossref Indexed Journal. Journal provides Crossref DOI and Updated Crossref mark to each article free of cost. Metadata of all Articles published is submiteed immediately to Crossref website. Crossref DOI and Crossref Mark become active within 1 day after online publication of articles.

CAS Source Index

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is provided with international identifier CODEN (USA): WJARAI  by CAS, CODEN is a six character, alphanumeric bibliographic code, that provides concise, unique and unambiguous identification of the titles of periodicals and non-serial publications from all subject areas. All the articles published by World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews are indexed at CAS Source Index.

Index Copernicus Indexed Journal

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is Indexed in Index Copernicus World of Journals List. Metadata of all the articles published in the journal is submitted to Index copernicus for indexing along with full lext. Any one can access fulltext at Index copernicus website also.

SCILIT Indexed Journal

Scilit is a comprehensive, free database for scientists using a new method to collate data and indexing scientific material. All the articles published by World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews are crawled by SCILIT boats and indexed.


BibSonomy is a social bookmarking and publication-sharing system which preserve scientific articles. Each articles published by World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is deposited to Bibsonomy within 15 days of publication. This improves visibility of published articles.

Preservation at LOCKSS

All the articles published at World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews are deposited to repository LOCKSS through PKPPN. This ensure that all published articles will remian on web for lifetime.


WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. Articles published in World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews are indexed at Worldcat. With this articles can be discovered by millions of people where they work every day—on the Web


The OpenAIRE Research Graph is one of the largest open scholarly record collections worldwide, key in fostering Open Science and establishing its practices in the daily research activities. Articles published at World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews are indexed at OpenAIRE within 15 days after publication.

Other Indexing agencies

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews an International Journal is also indexed at Directory of Journal Indexing (DRJI), Science gate, Cite Factor, Global scholar Index, Research Gate, Academia edu, Microsoft academics, Bing search engine, Google search engine, Yandex search engine etc.